Make Your Paid Facebook Marketing Work For Your Business

Facebook ads are phenomenal. Never before, not even with Google Adwords, has it been possible to target your advertising as well as you can with Facebook ads. Facebook also makes it easy to get started with paid ads, with little to no risk.

Before you play around with setting up a Facebook ad, it’s helpful to figure out what you’re going to advertise. We recommend you advertise your Facebook page. Get some good content (and ideally some likes) on your Facebook page before you move to this step. But really, you can use Facebook ads to give your new page a great boost that will attract organic likes and interactions that help you go far beyond what you paid for.

It’s important to be really targeted with Facebook ads. You want to capture that traffic right away– which is why you probably don’t want to send them straight to your website. You want to give them something easy to do– like liking your page. Then, you can interact with them, make them a fan of yours, and eventually get them to move on over to your email list and website.

Facebook makes the process really simple. Go ahead and check out the advertising section of Facebook now, and go through the motions as if you were going to set up a live ad. This is a case where you’ll learn a lot by doing. Facebook allows you to target its users by things like age, gender, education, other pages liked, interests, and more. They even tell you how many users you’re likely targeting once you set your parameters.

Then, you can set your bids and your maximum budget per day. It’s hard to go wrong when you start off with a small budget and start to see those likes coming in. And, if your ad does well, you’ll probably end up paying less per click than you bid.

It is important to set up an attractive ad people will want to click on. Analyze the ads you see on your Facebook right now.

  • Why do you think those ads are showing up for you?
  • What kind of pictures are they using?
  • Which ones are really interesting to you?

Then, you can figure out what kind of picture and language you want to use for your ad.

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