Tappable Shortcuts by Google: Improved Mobile Search

Google has just rolled out their new feature called “tappable shortcuts” in the US, now making it possible to seek out information on the web such as entertainment, food, sports, and entertainment weather by giving your home screen a quick tap on the app’s home screen or mobile website.

The shortcuts afford the user the necessity to search. Tappable shortcuts give fast responses around search of interests, food, updates on the weather — just about anything you would look information about, through quick taps.

In the main, Google search box is still great and reliable when you’re searching for a specific query.

However, there are times when you just simply want to be in the know of the latest topics of interest.

Also, Google announced that Android users will be able to access to plentiful shortcuts which include games, travel information, currency converter, tools for translation and so much more.

Just recently Google Search blog gave an overview of how tappable shortcuts’ functionality.

With the rollout happened just a days ago Google also said that search app users will be required to have the newly updated app version in order for them to explore, understand, and enjoy the newly rolled out tappable shortcuts.

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