Meta: Spanish newspaper organization sued Meta for Rs 4600 crore, read full news

The Spanish organization representing more than 80 newspapers has filed a 550 million euro ($600 million – approximately Rs 4600 crore) lawsuit against Facebook’s parent company Meta. The organization has accused Meta of unfair competition in online advertising by ignoring EU rules on data protection. The organization includes dozens of newspapers, including Spain’s leading daily newspapers El País, El Mundo, ABC and La Vanguardia.

Information Media Association said that it has demanded Rs 4600 crore from media organization social media giant Meta. The association accused Meta of massive violations of EU data protection rules. These rules were implemented between May 2018 and July 2023. The allegation is that Meta has repeatedly ignored the need for citizens’ consent to use data for ad profiling. The company declined to comment, saying it had not seen the legal papers. Meta’s Facebook and Instagram platforms have long been using behavioral advertising to make money.